Tuesday 13 April 2010

The triangle of weight training - The secret to building muscle up

I like to refer to the triangle is for the entire construction process of the formation of muscle. It is essentially 24 hours a day in the process taking place through your body when you start weight training. It consists of three parts, training, nutrition and recovery, each no more important than others. If not given 100%, training begins to crumble Triangle.

Weight Trainingis to stimulate muscle growth, pure and simple. There is increasing evidence that the stimulus for the muscles. The muscles do not grow if you're in the gym. The other two corners of the triangle formation carefully, knowing that resistance exercise can overload the muscles, the deterioration of muscle tissue at the microscopic level. He responds when the level of perception, what it is, while the adjustment process used subject. Produce then the body tries to adapt these impulses by increasing muscle tissue more and more. This is where the angle of the triangle.

Nutrition is an important next step in the Triangle of training. Eating the right foods, you provide the body with the nutrients for energy, cell growth and repair, and the basic functions of your body metabolism on a daily. Return400 BC Hippocrates said "Let food be your medicine and medicine be thy food." Today, good nutrition is more important than ever. At least four of the 10 leading causes of death in the United States - heart disease, cancer, stroke and diabetes - are directly how we eat. Focus on diet of lean protein like chicken, beef, pork and fish. Get plenty of fiber and antioxidants in fruits, vegetables and whole grains to 100%. The consumption of omega-3 fats per day, asOlive oil, flaxseed and fish oil. The most important elements for good nutrition and a healthy lifestyle is balance, variety and moderation.

The recovery is probably the most neglected in the educational triangle. It's a fantastic feeling motivated and excited to have a 'beginning of a program of weight training, but some control and restraint should be the attitude of willingness to participate and see the results. Remember the story the tortuous and the hare? The lesson is that slow and steady wins the race. The company has conditioned to believe more is better. But given the strength and muscle development, training can often drop suddenly to stop gains, and increased risk of injury and fatigue to the adrenal glands. Rest and recreation are important for maximum muscle growth. During recovery from muscle, we have created in response to the stimulus, while weTraining>. If you do not take into account an appropriate period of rest, it will be very limited results.

The formation of the triangle is the foundation of any successful weight - training program. Understanding each element and its importance directly dictate the results you get.