Sunday 4 April 2010

The ideal age to start weight training

There are competitions for boys bodybuilding at age 13. And 'this too young? Just like any other question, there are many opinions on both sides. Some experts say that 13 years is young to start training to therapy with a weight, while others also qualified experts see no harm in him. What are the advantages and disadvantages of each page and at what age it is safe to leave for a boy to lift weights?

Many experts say that under the supervision of wellwhen a child is old enough to participate in organized sports to begin with, is old enough to start "strength training" pumps, sit-ups and similar exercises. For our purposes, however, I focus on things, "weight" with free weights or machines, not the regular physical education.

The boys usually start interest in improving its facilities over time have reached puberty (12-13 years). This is not surprising that when it comesbegin to develop masculine characteristics, the body begins to grow and change and to attract girls. prepubertal boys (before puberty) lacks natural androgen, the body of steroid hormones such as testosterone or androsterone and control trigger the development of male characteristics.

Given the fact that prepubertal boys start production of natural steroid hormones, it seems reasonable that children who have not reached pubertywould not really benefit from weight training because his body is missing some basic elements are necessary for lean muscle growth. However, several studies have shown that prepubertal children can be gains strength through weight / strength training of these benefits will be due to nervous system and motor learning rather than hormones, in other words, they usually gain strength , muscle growth, but minimal.

Some sayadolescents (13 years) should not be weight training because they believe that the increased risk of injury is too great and too skimpy in a row. I researched this idea and have no credible sources to confirm, but found. The research I found indicates that if young people involved in monitoring a program of weight training necessary, there is no danger of growth. In addition, experts say the risk of injury to agood strength training program controlled no worse than participate in any regular physical activity.

A young, adult education will engage in a program of strength training should not engage in water. The central nervous system in young athletes is still developing coordination and balance, as well as adults. So instead of a weight or number of lifts, theemphasis should be on the right incarnation. Only when the form has been mastered, the weight or resistance can be increased. A good rule is to underestimate their physical abilities and not to overestimate the risks and injuries.

In general, avoid the Olympics in weightlifting, powerlifting movements guys. Many of them require considerable skill and, if not corrected, can lead to lower back or even spinal cord injuries. Interestingly, someExperts believe that young people should be shedding weight to avoid. They say there are machines designed for adults, improper installation could result in even some injuries.

Similarly, the training of young lifters is not five or six days a week, at least not initially. The American Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine recommends that young people aged between 13 fifty-two weeks should be used 20-30 minutes of exercise per round. Againtheir domination and improvement of the strength, duration and frequency of training can be increased.

The recovery should be an integral part of every teenager weightlifting. Injuries caused by overuse or overexertion can lead to chronic problems later in life. young athletes should always be sure that the parts of their body muscle groups completely renovated between training sessions. In addition, youth training begins and ends with preheating and cooling.

IfOverall, the consensus seems to be that kids should hold off on entering a bodybuilding program until they reach puberty around the age of 13 years. But even then, some considerations must be taken, including: medical evaluation must be done first, adult supervision is essential; form must be pointed out, repetitions or more weight, and all the major muscle groups should be treated without signs of damage must be assessed before furtherScheme.