Monday 25 October 2010

10 "muscle" commandments for wrestlers!

In the first part of this series, I discussed some tips to maintain strength and muscle mass or even gain a bit 'in the wrestling season. In the second part of this series, I want infallible Ten tips to improve your "power struggle" and then rings performance. These tips apply to both off-season training and the season.

1. Train "posterior chain"

The posterior chain muscles of the buttocks, thighs there, and the lower back. This verypowerful part of the body is an important step for a total of rings performance. By improving the strength in this area, you will notice a significant improvement in terms of speed and power to a neutral position and bottom. Some of the exercises you want to review the work of the posterior chain, hello, strut deadlifts, deadlifts, squats (bar low on shoulders). My two favorites are the reverse hyperextension machine glute-ham-Russian Gastroc. They are the bestthe muscles of the posterior chain.

2. Strength training SLOW, Wrestle FAST

They want to quickly and forcefully to the wrestling mat. Do not think of weight when you throw around the weights though. As a combat unit move bar in seeking a prompt, they are helping the momentum to move the weight. You need to maximize your wrist and to minimize the amount of muscle that is worked by slowing down. How fast (or slow), you need to move a weight whenIf you increase your strength training? The weight (or muscle contraction) try to do in two seconds if you reduce the weight, do it twice as slow. They should be about 4 seconds to lower the weight.

3. For a quick

Your training should never be more than 35 minutes. If you do, you're hard enough! With the completion of training, has more than 35 minutes, the levels of hormones in the body better. Its ability totraining and thus develop more strength is increased. Avoid long, drawn bodybuilding workouts.'ll End to withdraw the product in the body's ability to drive and training.

4. 12 moves or less

When I develop sport-specific strength training routines for my athletes, I always respect them. The number of exercises will allow you, the "ring muscle" to strike with just enough but not too much. Near youGuaranteed to send your body into an overtraining syndrome.

5. September 2 or less

Read it carefully and try to really absorb the content. You should not work more than two sets (the set count. This does not include a set of warm-up) to do a particular exercise. If you work hard enough a lot. She is a warm-up exercise for a game, then shift your weight on it. After finishing weight to reduce the total weight of the bar orMachine by 20% and repeated. If you're really intense workout, you can use only one set per exercise. This is ideal. If you can make a muscle with a perfect set of an exercise of the hammer, there will be no need for another set. I recommend a second round with a weight reduction of 20%, because many people are not quite hammer the muscle of a sentence.

6. Default on the carpet in the gym Dominate

Out of the warm-up for each workout with weights,is necessary to form the phrases "momentary muscular failure." This is the point where all you can not complete a repetition with perfect form. Qualifies as an instant muscular failure, forcing the muscles to adapt and hence stronger. Understand that the formation of "failure." Lack of training for me is not "about the establishment of the muscles." It 's the point where you can pull or push repeat, no matter what. It 'sure to work this way? Absolutely! L 'first repetition of a phrase really dangerous. If an athlete is not in good form and slow, it is usually in the first representatives of an athlete is injured.

7. Working with machines and free weights

It 's a common misconception among athletes and coaches, you must use free weights when strength training. Free Weights are great! So the machines! The muscles do not know the difference. The intensity is the most important thing when you tryimprove your strength for the fight. The instrument used to get there is to it. I like some exercises for certain muscles. It also depends on injuries that may already wrestler. You can work around "and injury and always give your body a complete strength training. If you have access to Hammer Strength machines, I suggest you include strength training in your struggle.

8. Use a thick bar

If you do not have access to a thick bar to get one. Thisusually a hollow metal tube that you use free weights at the end. A thick bar forces you to keep in the conduct of exercises. It develops fantastic forearm and hand strength. It should be part of any serious resistance training wrestlers. You can curl, reverse curls, rows and presses to do with it.

9. Keep the protein

You are trying to cut weight class or go to a weight that you regularly use of proteins. Protein helpsRepair and reconstruction of muscle tissue. It 'important to maintain protein diet, when you try to reduce the weight of ... unless of course it is not to lose and weaker muscles. Try to get at least 5 feedings per day of protein. The difference lies in the absorption of carbohydrates. If you need to reduce weight, you should start slowly break down carbohydrates, but never completely. You can not fight if you have no energy. Carbohydrates are your body's preferred energy source. if you are interested in a nutrition plan to combat personnel.

10. The Trap Bar

The case is another amazing piece of bar equipment when they try to win the battle of strength. The bar is a hex trap bar. It allows you to deadlift improved significantly with the maximum stimulation of almost all the muscles of electricity transmission rings. If you have never seen one, to find a search. It is an exercise using one of my clients struggle. It isHis whole body stronger. If I am just an exercise has been limited, increasing the strength in my wrestlers, what would be the year that I chose.