Monday 24 January 2011

Strength training for women and

Our society loves beauty. The most beautiful body are symmetrical, lean and strong. Why do most women starving themselves and spending hours on cardio machines trying to thin? The lack of knowledge! Most women do not understand the importance of strength training and how they can help their bodies as fat burning machine. The most powerful muscle strength you have, the more fat your body will burn. Remember, muscle burns fat!

I've heard womenThey say they are afraid of the weight of the train because they do not want to "get" big and bulky. Women who do not train much weight to increase their muscle mass, but only the muscles of the density and strength. For example, I remember the fear of "swelling". If a woman is older, they begin to deteriorate more relaxed muscles, because puberty is an important growth of the muscle and the muscle begins to move you. The law of pregnancy further accelerates your muscle loss, as the amount of proteinYour child needs to develop requires the baby protein (muscle) to steal from you! In addition, menopause and menopausal women have less hormones after menopause acceleration levels causes loss of muscle mass before weight training with a proper diet to help. Re-build the muscle lost.

Why is muscle so important? The muscle is the driving force of metabolism. The more muscle you burn more fat and calories. A healthy metabolism is notcoincidence, yes, genetics plays a role in metabolism, but your lifestyle choices affect your metabolism so. Some keys are a good metabolism: weight training, nutritious food, an active lifestyle and consistency of the individual.

We are often programmed to think that we have to weigh a certain amount, to be happy. We say: "When I weigh what I was in high school." You need to get rid of this magnitude mentality Who cares what you weigh more ..athletic bodies are often considered overweight if your graphics card they put on paper the height standard weight or BMI. How is this possible, you ask? Since muscle is so dense that it weighs more than fat. Muscle also owns 60% water than fat tissue causing muscular people much more than their "skinny fat" counterparts weighed. Since muscle weighs more than fat, do not think you have a weight safely. This should be more concerned is the muscle%% From fat and body mass, body composition. How much muscle and fat on your body? Or are firm and tight? For the "poor" You must have a high percentage of muscle and a small amount of body fat. In this way, you can hide your muscles fat sexy.

So how do you gain muscle you ask? Weight train! There are three large muscles that are essential for our body, legs, back and chest together. Metabolism will be most affected if these 3 muscleThe groups highlighted that the majority of the muscle of our body.

Speaking of information about the area, women are more concerned about the buttocks, legs and yours. leg muscles are stronger than the muscles of our body more. Most women do not realize how powerful and strong legs are bulky, no. I know that most women are afraid of her legs because they often have a greater amount of fat in the legs andThen the fear to apply, in the bottom half of strength training. As women, we do not need testosterone to build large bulky muscles like men, then I do not think that if you lift with your legs that makes them much larger. First, yes, the experience of a small amount of muscle growth and fat before losing more muscles, there may be a slight increase in size, but it's only temporary. Shortly after, you notice that theThe legs begin to form, acquire a new strength and sleek. All of these muscles is still active and cause burn more fat.

Oh, my dear, my back! Most women are completely unaware of the enormous potential fat burning muscles they have on their shoulders. The shoulders are full of muscles. There are tons of them, instead of keeping our spine, ribs and shoulders. These muscles are very important to our health. How many times have we heard back and neck pain? Ireally believe that weak back muscles, a major cause of pain. Lift your back requires proper extreme concentration on the muscles you work.

Finally, our chest muscles. I'm talking about the pectoral muscles need to embrace all women. Pregnancy and lactation terrible things for a woman's breast. The appearance of a woman's breast goes beyond the breast tissue, is below the chest muscles. Pregnancy can rob our bodiesMuscle, the muscle that once lifted the chest now gone and can also be rebuilt. If you give yourself a natural breast lift and increase metabolism wants to build the chest.

You must find a way to challenge your muscles. Lift the same weight each time an exercise is maintained, but you have muscles, but no change. I do not know many people will spend an hour in the gym like every week, exactly the same. We all aspire toimprove ourselves, so we need our muscles by lifting weights, the biggest challenge. There is nothing complicated about it, make sure you are a bit 'challenged by lifting program.

Finally, we change! If the muscles for the same thing again and again, exactly as you want to drill used. Boredom threatens not only the muscles react the way you do your workout causes annoying. Feel free to change is not to try some new exercises,increase the number of sets and reps of exercises or decrease the rest period between sets and workouts, and the order of the exercises. Remember, muscle burns fat.