Friday 28 January 2011

ideas of strength training for women

Although strength training in general, a male activity in the last two decades, women have taken the club to the weight room or gym and heather, and sometimes even their spare room at home, with growing enthusiasm. The benefits of strength training for women should never be underestimated. Although the large muscles should not become standard training for certain acquisitions, weight womenincrease strength, balance and bone density.

A fitness-oriented training books for women sold more because it was at least a first plant, the power losses caused by the formation of a pressing problem for women with the promise of fat, increase strength and performance in bone density as a buffer against the onset of osteoporosis and age and other conditions.

These aspects are important for men because they are protected to some extentfrom testosterone, the male sex hormone, which tends to promote muscle growth and bone. But there are some cases, men with osteoporosis and age-related muscle atrophy. The exercise, including strength training is an effective solution.

Although women produce testosterone - it is very important for the libido of women - do not produce as much as men, so women do not grow large amounts of muscle with weightsStimulation or at any time. However, improvements in strength and stimulation of bone growth driving force is not necessarily the result of muscle mass - a reason why the weights for working women (and you can work), although the muscle is enormous, not occurs if you take steroids. So you can relax on that.

A major risk factors for breast cancer is obesity. It turns out that physical activity protects against breast cancerCancer and probably also the return of cancer after successful treatment. It 's very clear that downsizing through a controlled diet and exercise program, including lead, can the risk of breast cancer to reduce the immediate family - a real exercise program may be the only thing that can in turn be risk.

Many women are comfortable they are, and somehow protected against various diseases such as heart disease, osteoporosis by an abundantEstrogen at menopause. By reducing the supply of female hormones, cholesterol may worsen, may decrease bone density and weight can start to increase. If you have never been physically active for a long time, now is a good time to start an exercise program, especially in general and strength training exercise in strengthening women's health in a number of options or their age at menopause.

You do not have to run marathons orBodybuilder. A path consistent with a simple weight-training designed to house even in your best weapon against the different lifestyle, and health problems related to age.