Sunday 2 May 2010

to avoid weight training for women and two critical errors

Weight training for women is something that many fitness enthusiasts in their lifestyle. But like many things in life, people are sometimes less than optimal decisions, if there is a lack of knowledge or perhaps for other reasons.

Weight training is no different and I would talk about different weapons and specific practices to be happy, there are two mistakes that I recommend that womenshould avoid, and here they are:

Error: Abs Avoid overtraining and ensure that those of other

Physiologically and in terms of functionality, it is not necessary or not additional benefits of implementing three sets of 50 crunches representatives. And then you move to make next year abs more, if you plan to travel around the central part is thinner than the width.

At the same time you want to pay attention to the deeper musclesabdomen from the internal oblique and transverse abdominal muscles is not deep, that are placed on top of the spine, and are much more numerous.

Meanwhile, you want a rotation to the lateral abdominal muscles, external oblique and internal object of the exercise to do.

Even when you do specific exercises, like crunches regularly on rectus abdominal surface-ABS tend to work, many peoplehip flexors involuntarily work this muscle group is very powerful and began to posture issues and, ultimately, create injuries.

A simple adjustment to avoid or reduce to a minimum while the work is the hip flexors for standing against the wall in which the legs are bent 90 degrees and the bottom of the feet are completely flat against the wall. Thus, the solution or you can set these muscles in a minimum of ABS, the body lift is usuallycracking.

Two error: Avoid excessive aerobic training, if your goal is ...

Aerobic exercise, like jogging, running or cycling is a wonderful thing for the benefit of health education and strengthening the heart and lungs. On the other hand, if your goal is to have companies and tone your body with the muscles and the muscles more completely, you must reduce the frequency of jogging or running, two or three times andMake your first strength training.

These two steps are a mistake in my opinion, if the counter-productive in terms of moving a step forward, two steps back, what is your fitness goal to get very far.