Monday 24 May 2010

Techniques for weight loss fastest women committed more than 160 pounds!

Here are the techniques faster weight loss and exercise for women a week are too busy to CRAM 1 hour training for five days in the gym. If I can save six minutes of your time once or twice a day, then I can almost guarantee that you will lose weight.

Technical faster weight loss

Before stairstepper HIIT

High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) on stairstepper for 6 minutes is one of the best ways to driplife fat, thighs, buttocks and hips. It will take time getting used to, if not use HIIT.

What you do is alternate high intensity and low intensity. So it goes by very fast and very difficult to slow and easy. It works to burn fat fast because it creates an effect "Afterburn to burn fat is increased to 18 hours after training.

Thus, for a session stairstepper 6 minutes, 10 seconds to go with high intensity and intensification20 seconds with low intensity. So, for a total of six minutes, two minutes is difficult.

Second circle with a weighted hula hoop

This is aimed at reducing fat in the hips and waist. The Hula Hoop, when I watch television and advertising lights. It 'an easy way to get about 10 minutes, Hula-Hoop in 30 minutes. To select a TV program and commercials Hula Hoop.

Thus, at most, you have to do only two minutes at a time.

Hindu third 2-MinuteSquat

Hindu squats squats squats are a fat burning aerobics, because as quickly as possible without weight. Right, up down, up down ... etc., for 2 minutes ... NON-STOP. Your goal ... 40-50 squats.

You may need to drill a couple of times without faster you can only get used to. But once you get in three sessions of two minutes with Hindu squats (all day-do), to burn fat faster.

These are three of the most rapid weight loss techniques that you can useIf you are so busy that you can not save much time to practice.