Tuesday 7 December 2010

Resistance Training For Women

Many women avoid weight training like the plague. For many, they feel that by lifting weights, they will become too muscular and bulk up to an unattractive look. However, research has shown that resistance training has incredible benefits for women, especially women above forty.

Just because men often dominate weight racks doesn't mean women are excluded from the club. With many weight loss machines available and even gyms that cater specifically to women, there are more options than ever to start weight training. Still not convinced that you should give it a go, here are some benefits of incorporating resistance training into your workouts.

Fat will burn off easier. While cardio exercises are known as the fat-burners, resistance training has some even more powerful weight loss benefits. With weight training you increase your resting metabolic rate, which means you burn more calories throughout the day without exercise. Since muscles burn more calories than fat, it allows you to keep weight off without working out as much.

You really won't get bulky. Unlike men, women do not have as much of the bulk building hormones, therefore while many women are afraid of becoming bulky; it is less likely to happen. More often than not, the benefit you get from a little resistance training will be a more toned physique.

Finally, you reduce your risk of injury and disease. Studies have shown that weight training can lower the risks of osteoporosis, diabetes, and heart disease just to name a few. In addition, by increasing your strength, you will be less likely to incur injury, and on a final note, resistance training can also help beat depression.

With all the benefits of weight training, there is no reason not to start lifting those weights.