Thursday 25 November 2010

workout routines for women - the plan for 45 minutes

When it comes to finding the shape and sexy women and men are different ways to achieve this goal. For men, it usually comes with the idea of weight training and support, but women more interested in consolidating and looking lean. However, weight training is only useful for women than for men. Contrary to popular belief, women should exercise with light weights this routine is different.The women> are free to handle the heaviest weight you can get.

# 1 workout routine - Training Super Set
Super guru set was used in many bodybuilding training to build muscle in no time fast. Super-set, however, showed this way to be successful in women, if done right. super-training program established on the basis provides a good starting point for women.

1A) Dumbbell Squat-8 Tests
1B) Dumbbell Incline Bench-8 reps

2A) Dumbbell Split Squat 8 reps
2B) coated flat handlebars, 8 reps

3A) Chin-ups, 5 reps
3B), Push-ups 8 reps

All these exercises should be performed by the weight of moderate to severe. The great thing about the super-set training is that they are fast and fun to do. They are a great way to quickly build muscle mass for maximum fat loss.

Training Routine # 2 - Range> Training
Interval training is possible for women to build a good strength and target belly fat. This is one of the best training routine for women, because they define the shape and the legs and carve out a nice looking belly. The ranges are easier when done on a treadmill because you can control your time and speed. An example of an interval would be at a moderately fast pace, jog for 45 seconds, then slow down or walk 90Seconds. For a good workout for each session should be at 6 intervals. This is the minimum required for a good cardio session to burn fat.

Super-sets and intervals of about 20 minutes. If you decide to do, then they went back to watch a workout of 45 minutes. The combination of these two sessions is as powerful as you want, get 3 days a week, with surprising results. If you hurry, you can do well, are super-set for a day and on a different basis forA total of six days to 20 minutes per session.