Saturday 7 August 2010

Body Building Muscle - Tearing Down them to build

skeletal muscle is a more soft tissue of the human body and muscular development is a complex biological process that occurs in the cell at the molecular level. And 'the interaction of several cellular organelles (parts of a cell) and growth factors (hormones and hormone-like compounds) that they stimulate. Studied for centuries, only recently have scientists come to understand this complex process characterized by muscle growth technicallyHypertrophy.

muscle growth is the body's healing process of the basic answers to give for the resistance of muscle tissue caused by the weight or training. Having and stressing the muscles, cracks developed in the muscle tissue of many small cracks, or, commonly called "micro tears". This condition, which is part of cells called satellite cells, which are located on the outer surface of muscle fibers. They then migrate to the site of fiber damage and beginissued and damaged fibers together. This activity leads to increased muscle mass in affected areas.

The muscle is also said to take the active role of different growth hormones. During strength training, the front of the brain, the pituitary gland and stimulates the release of growth hormone. This activity triggers the process of fat metabolism, the production of energy for muscles to use the growth process occurs. The intensity ofStrength training or resistance training training determines the amount of growth hormone is released. The hormones stimulate the amino acids are presented to them and from proteins of skeletal muscle.

Testosterone, a hormone in human men and women, also has a direct effect on muscle growth during this process. Serves to promote the presence of neurotransmitters in the damaged muscle fibers instead of stimulating the growth of muscle tissue. Testosterone is also thought to influencecell activity in satellite earth damage.

If the muscle protein, to a greater synthesis of muscle protein degradation during muscle growth is normal. resistance or weight training has a direct impact of aid muscle growth. Normally, growth is slower, visible only after several weeks to a month.

Many studies have shown, women and men to respond both to the strength training in aWay. Gender differences, but the levels of hormones can influence, produce size and composition of different amounts of body hope muscle growth as a person could reach. The age factor plays a role in strengthening the body muscles because muscle mass tends to decrease with aging bodies. This loss of muscle mass - muscle wasting - may, however, resistance training can be reversed with regular treatment. Regular training also offers the advantageInjury Prevention and accelerate the rehabilitation surrounded by strengthening connective tissue, skeletal muscle.

If you combine the knowledge base hypertrophy in operation and refined diet plan can also optimize the amount of muscle mass increase your body realistic.