Friday 23 July 2010

Women - Do You Think of weight training, you lose the case? Know how I lost 16 cm above

Like most women, I believed the myth that when I start my workout routine with weights training, I'd like to mass up and not look feminine and seductive. I want to do strengthening exercises for my stomach and back, but strength training in order to avoid on a regular basis. Instead, I focused on cardiovascular exercise - running, walking, cycling and rollerblading.

This is more common among women.

But this year I decided to get intest. After exercise regularly 3-4 times a week, I saw dramatic results. Not only have I lost 16 inches and a total of 6% body fat, I have more energy for my day job!

What made the difference? Strength training. How age, you tend to lose muscle due to inactivity. You get busy with work and your families and make a difference of less than a day. What happens is you start to lose muscle mass every year, which is fuel for metabolism.

Your metabolism isonly the amount of calories your body burns per day. So if your body is losing muscle, your metabolism down and burn less calories per day. Therefore, you can eat the same amount of food and weight gain, with each year.

The good news is that you change your metabolism! This is what I did. I once lost my fitness training on a regular basis, I saw the most dramatic results.

As you can see the same kind of results?

FirstExercise 3-5 times a week with a combination of strength training and aerobic training.

Research has shown that you burn more fat when you exercise to do before your strength in the range of aerobics.

Take before and after the second measurement

One of the best ways to stay focused and motivated to exercise is to build a system to monitor results. As you can tell when you proceed to walk the stairs everyday? Here issome ideas to help you track your progress as you begin the exercise:

** With a tape, measure the most important item on the sides and the lowest point in your size. You can also follow the evolution of the size of your arms, thighs, calves, etc.

** With the body fat calipers, you can feel the measures of fat.

** Walk Test - distance and heart rate recovery (walking a mile, note the time to walk a mile and take the pulse for one minuteBelow)

** Sit up count (number of sit-ups in a minute - Make sure the shoulder blades to come from the ground)

** The number of push ups (number of push ups in a minute - to choose the standard push-up or modified push-ups on knees)

Find third accountability partner and check them at least once a week.